Zhaohui Li

Your Name

Zhaohui Li

About me

I am currently an Assisstant Professor at the Institute of Systems Science, AMSS, CAS. Before joining CAS, I was a Post-Doctoral Fellow at the H. Milton Stewart School of Industrial and Systems Engineering (ISyE), Georgia Institute of technology. Before joining Georgia Tech, I was a research assistant at the School of Data Science, City university of Hong Kong. I received my B.S degree in Mathematics from Hua Loo-Keng Talent Program in Mathematics at the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) in 2014, graduated with honors, and my Ph.D. degree in Statistics from the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences and (Jointly) City University of Hong Kong.

My research areas are computer experiments and uncertainty quantification. My research interests involve integrating domain knowledge (e.g., conservation law, mechanical models, bio-system models) into statistical modeling and parameter inference. In particular, I’m working on building new statistical models and machine learning algorithms for parameter inference problems, providing a novel way for scientists to calibrate their scientific model from data, and for statisticians to integrate scientific knowledge for parameter inference and uncertainty quantification of a complex computer model.

Download my cv (中文版) in PDF format.


Past News




Research Interests

Physics-Informed Machine Learning

Calibration of Computer Models

System Reliability

Robust Regression


Published Journal Papers

Conference Papers

Book Chapters

Submitted Papers

Working Papers


Invited Talks

Poster Presentations

Contributed Talks

Please feel free to request papers, codes, or slides related to my presentations and research via email.

Professional Activities

Honors and Awards

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